Featured image of post Make Azure Front Door Origin Secured with Private Link

Make Azure Front Door Origin Secured with Private Link

For hosting a static website on Azure Storage Account with custom domain, you are required to use Azure CDN/Azure Front Door service, but there are limited options to protect your origin from bypassing CDN/WAF. Microsoft recently introduced a killer feature, which enables high-level protection of any origin including Storage Account, AppService or even some service running on VMs.

Caching whole API response in ASP.NET Core

Caching data with distributed caches like Azure Redis Cache is easy – but how to easily cache whole response from your Web API (response code+body) describes this post.

Featured image of post Run .exe Application in Azure Functions in Powerful Way

Run .exe Application in Azure Functions in Powerful Way

When you need to run some executable file/console application in cloud, you don’t want to run to take care about a VM/container. A lot of workloads can be made totally serverless with Azure Functions only – with tricks described in this post.

Azure Functions and forbidden sockets exception

What to do, when your Azure Function/Azure Web App application, after some time running, starts failing outgoing connections (e.g. HttpClient requests) on SocketException, but after restart your app starts to work.